Welcome to Galveston Baptist Association

Impacting Churches to Impact the Kingdom

Promoting Leadership Development

GBA provides numerous resources for churches and pastors. Much of what is provided comes by way of consultation and counseling. Pastors and churches are struggling with Post-Covid issues…

Facilitating Missional Opportunities

Galveston Baptist Association is engaged in food distribution through Raju Samuel ministries called Mission Santa Fe and Mission Texas locally and make contributions to the international…

Providing Crisis Response

Since Galveston Baptist Association churches a geographically located in a prominent hurricane ally, the Crisis Response arm of the Association is vital to the county and the churches…

From the Blog

What is it Going to Take?

What is it Going to Take?

Ezek. 4-10 – What is it Going to Take? In the reading this week we find the looking back to the destruction of Jerusalem through the eyes of the prophet. We must remember that Ezekiel wrote about the same time frame of events as Jeremiah, just from a different vantage...

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In Not Of

In Not Of

I woke up this morning with some very anxious thoughts, but then I was reminded by the Father about not being anxious about everything. I started telling God about WOKE, CRT, Intersectionality, Equality Act, politics and the on-going pandemic. [Like He didn’t already...

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2 Peter: Stirring Up

2 Peter: Stirring Up

Quite a contrast from the Peter we find in the Gospels. Here we have the mature, aged Peter giving instructions to the Church. Peter has lived his life with Jesus and been a pillar of faith for the new church and his countrymen. We know that both Paul and Peter die in...

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